"Problem is, I think users tend to think “globally.” They expect all activity within a space or context to be visible to them. If a search for some user can return nothing because the subject is outside your local social graph, then your technology is less useful than other search models. This is why we tend to pool around well-maintained global indexes to give reliable results, but then you have centralized authority emerging."
After today's IndieWebCamp popup session, I built a way to create unlisted posts on my site that require a secret key in the URL in order to view.
Since all my URLs are more or less sequential, I needed a way to be able to add something to the URL that is unguessable. It was a relatively easy thing to add!
Try viewing this post without the secret string at the end to see the feature in action: https://aaronparecki.com/2021/06/26/9/MXJEJKW
New #indieweb libraries: taproot/micropub-adapter and taproot/indieauth!
Finally put the finishing touches on these two closely-related libraries, which make it quick and easy to add Micropub and IndieAuth support to any PHP app which uses PSR-7.
Feedback appreciated, either as replies, GH issues, or at indieweb.org/discuss