Episode 16: IndieWebCamp Austin!
IndieWebCamp Austin, Patreon, and some thoughts about payments and patronage on the indie web
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> for something as simple as syndication and distribution, HTML already has an overwhelming advantage over any nascent formats
> It would make subscribing to a site easier, since one wouldn't have to find the URL of the RSS feed. The URL of the weblog itself would be what you wanted. How nice.
"Twitter's API is the internet's worst joke, Instagram seems to have an API mainly to show what outside developers can't do, and Flickr is a hollowed-out shell of its former self"
As I was watching fireworks this evening I thought, wow, wouldn’t it be cool if I could livestream from my iPhone to my website, and even maybe syndicate to Facebook and/or YouTube? I got home and did some preliminary research, searched indieweb.org and turns out you’ve already researched and written about it… of course you did, Aaron Parecki… 😆😆😆 of course you did.