WeChat ID
Expandable Input Toolbar in the style of the iPhone messages app
A UITableViewCell subclass that has a customizable badge view on the right. With fast Quartz 2D path drawing and blending, one can use this with very large data set and still keep great performance when scrolling.
As seen in Instagram, Path, DailyBooth, and other apps, place a button in the center of a UITabBar to let the user perform some action that is central to the application's purpose.
A subclass of UIButton that provides imageless gradients. Drop-in compatible with any project.
Photo viewer control, like in the Apple Photos app.
Duplicates the look and feel of Apple's Photos apps.
A Springboard-like launcher, as seen in the Facebook iOS app.
A UIControl subclass that behaves similarly as the App Store rating control.
Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.