WeChat ID
This project uses a simple IR Transmitter (in this case I used a Max Power LED kit to extend the range but any IR LED would do) connected to a spark-core, to send IR commands to the Air conditioning unit over the internet.
Place a bulb of the second starter kit into a socket within 30cm of the bridge from the first starterpack. Telnet to port 30000 of the bridge and type: [Link,Touchlink] The light should blink a few times to acknowledge the hostile takeover.
The torque required to turn the paddle could get quite high, particularly when food starts to get caught which it invariably does. I didn't measure it but it was certainly a fair old force required
It amazing how much you miss a simple old light switch when you have to pull out your phone, fumble through a poorly designed app, and then wait half a second for the light to turn on.
The wireless button that creates a shortcut to your favorite actions on your phone.