WeChat ID
"The other “gotcha!” with having a sticky header is making sure that in-page anchors still work. Nicolas Gallagher covers the options for this in a post called Jump links and viewport positioning. Here’s the CSS I ended up using:
:target:before {
content: '';
display: block;
height: 3em;
margin: -3em 0 0;
"I hope this site encourages you to go out and rent web space of your own. Saying what you want is the most important thing in the world and the web lets any one who wants to shout it out loud and proud do so, for a small fee. Please build a web site of your own and get your message out to the world."
"Standing against this tide of centralization is the indie web movement. Perhaps “movement” is too strong—it’s more an aesthetic of independence and decentralization. The IndieWebCamp web page states: “When you post something on the web, it should belong to you, not a corporation.” You should own your information and profit from it. You should have your own servers. Your destiny, which you signed over to Facebook in order to avoid learning a few lines of code, would once again be your own."
"Worst of all, even if we make all the necessary development changes that would be required to continue supporting these networks, there’s no guarantee that they wouldn’t just change their APIs again."