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The trick here, though, is to make sure that each limited mechanical part of the Web, each application, is within itself composed of simple parts that will never get too powerful.
Any new web standard must be easy enough to understand and implement that a developer can get something up and running in an afternoon. HTML, HTTP and RSS all adhere to these principles. So do the indieweb protocols, which is why we support them and think they are likely to succeed.
Diaspora's still around. Identi.ca (not to be confused with Friendica) became Status.net which is now Pump.io but if you want to try it out you have to visit Ephemeral Me. There's Tent.io which you used to be able to try out at Tent.is but is now Cupcake.io. Diaspora and Tent considered getting together but decided not to. Still with me? Good, because Status.net is now part of GNU Social. There's Feedly which became the Stream Framework with SaaS commercial partner GetStream.io.
Echochamber.js is a third-party script you can install to add a simple comment form to your blog post or website. why not just use disqus? Because then there'd be a chance that someone would read the comments. You might have to read those comments. You don't want that. When a user submits a comment, echochamber.js will save the comment to the user's LocalStorage, so when they return to the page, they can be confident that their voice is being heard, and feel engaged with your very engaging content. It does not make any HTTP requests. Since LocalStorage is only local, you and your database need not be burdened with other people's opinions.
We traded the open technology of RSS for Twitter and now we will pay the price of the anonymous corporate agents telling us what words we can read.
The Indieweb approach has a lot in common with Ev's ideas for Medium, but the key difference is that we are doing it in a way that works across websites, not just within one. We can use an editor on one site to post to another using micropub, even to silos. We have ways to highlight based on fragmentions, and a very simple way to connect responses together using webmention.
No one moves where they tweet because some other tool has better formatting or profile customization. That’s because a tiny percentage of the value Twitter brings comes from the software itself. It’s all about the network — the connection with other users and the content they create.
This weekend brought a new motivational high that I didn't expect to go that far. I attended the Indie Web Camp in Düsseldorf, Germany and I'm simply blown away. Actually so blown away that I had to return to the hotel pretty early and write this article.
Crystal tells you the best way to communicate with any prospect, customer, or coworker based on their unique personality.