At the beginning of last year when I was working on rebuilding p3k, I made the decision to drop showing the full contents of my reposts in favor of launching the new site sooner. It's been bugging me for a long time, since it means that my reposts aren't really reposts at all, they're just a list of links.
Today I took the first step in showing the full contents of my reposts. Since my posts are all based on mf2 property storage, I updated my templates to display the post like one of my posts if the "repost-of" property is an object rather than just a string.
Now my reposts look like this!

Much better compared to what it used to look like:

Right now, all that's changed is if the storage file has the expanded repost content then it's displayed. I manually updated this repost to include the contents for the purposes of this post.
The next step is to make my website automatically extract the original contents of the repost from the URL!
For the curious, here's what this post looks like on disk now.

You might recognize it as a compacted Microformats2 post serialized as YAML. So next step is filling in those repost-of properties by extracting them from the repost-of URL.