WeChat ID
If you've already got a personal site it is extremely easy to get started. I set up my site with the most basic features in about 10 minutes and it would have been quicker if I didn't want to take a Photoshop break in the middle of it all to make a new picture for my new social profile.
With indieweb we are trying a different approach by working through our own wishlists, reusing common components, and making sure we interoperate along the way. This gives us a composable set of tools that do plug together - the toolkit Anil both is and isn't asking for.
but I suspect the hardest part is the client app for readers, which works in a way analogous to an RSS reader or email client, but would have to support a new format and would be optimized for clean reading and subsequent discovery, rather than the three-pane model which has dominated those apps for the last decade or two