@aaronpk Hrm. Subsystem code per user? I don’t still have my Zelle setup email. Do your login codes start with 4? (If they’re always 4, I assume the crackers already know this.)
Seeing as we're paving over federal websites left and right, maybe we can finally address the issue of open redirects on .gov websites? This isn't a new issue and it's not going away. But probably we shouldn't see dozens of pages of porn results all getting indexed by search engines by abusing redirects on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website, for example:
@aaronpk They’re lonely and want to see if anyone notices.
@aaronpk Maybe adding to the mystery: my login codes always start with a 4 (yeah, I’m okay making that effectively 7 digits now, whatever), but when they gave me one for signing up with Zelle it was 8 digits with a leading 2. Totally speculative, but I wonder if they assign a leading digit per subsystem.