You may have noticed discontent amongst some users, in reaction to the latest iOS app addition, Wavelength, to the ecosystem.
The “argument” goes that 3 iOS apps and 1 Mac app later with no love for Windows, Linux or most glaringly Android is a sure sign that the network is doomed (or something else equally as dramatic). Then the knives started coming out, calling the apps suboptimal, which I feel to be insensitive and insulting. Manton’s actually handling this pretty gracefully, which is exactly the attitude I believe is necessary to shepherd the nerds without upsetting them.
I think it’s important for everyone to maintain some perspective. The Kickstarter ended a little over a year ago (back on the 1st of February). The actual service didn’t start opening up to register for a few months after that. This service has only been live for around a year. Lets review what’s happened in that time:
No. Project/Update Date 1. released1 29 April 2017 2. Jean MacDonald announced as Community Manager 21 March 2017 3. iOS app goes Universal 21 June 2017 4. Updated Markdown Support for Web 14 August 2017 5. Custom Web pages 25 August 2017 6. Overhaul of Web posting/editing 22 September 2017 7. Mac App released 17 November 2017 8. opens up past Kickstarter 19 December 2017 9. Sunlit iOS app 07 March 2018 10. Multiple Accounts 26 March 2018 11. Wavelength iOS app 12 April 2018Clearly the guy is a complete slacker. Clearly.
I can understand people being ‘upset’ about not having an Android app, but my view is this, if there is enough request then it will make business sense to officially support this platform. However, give the man some time to get there!
I would like Manton’s to spend time and complete the book. The reason for this is so that he can close last year’s Kickstarter and look to having another Kickstarter to maybe bring someone else to help him full-time with the development cycles.
I received my invite on this date. It was only 6-8 months later that I actually started using in any meaningful way. ↩