@aaronpk Are they counting up?
@aaronpk Maybe adding to the mystery: my login codes always start with a 4 (yeah, I’m okay making that effectively 7 digits now, whatever), but when they gave me one for signing up with Zelle it was 8 digits with a leading 2. Totally speculative, but I wonder if they assign a leading digit per subsystem.
@aaronpk They’re lonely and want to see if anyone notices.
@aaronpk what gets me is they ask for user name and password, then 2fa with the password again.
@aaronpk Never realized the fist digit is the same. I've always suffered under the 8digit code when it first came into being. Could never remember it long enough to type it in. I kinda wish they had a Passkey as an option.
@aaronpk Email codes always seem to start with 4, maybe it's something to do with the medium they sent it over?
@aaronpk pretty much like those sent by Google that start with "G-" I guess