@aaronpk Sorry, but extra sleep???
@aaronpk Sorry, but extra sleep???
@aaronpk does this mean that one of your flights is flying through totality?
@zachleat White Coat Captioning does the live captions for #WriteTheDocs
Here's a video of how it's done
@aaronpk I was just repeating something I've heard in lots of tech circles, people really love the 100M line because it means you no longer have to care or even be that careful with your money. I know people with 20M that live like retirees and shop at goodwill, afraid they'd ever touch their principal
I wrote about billionaires. I didnโt mention how there are no ethical billionaires and I neglected to include a recipe for preparing them with carrots and onions and a nice gravy.
But I did cover just how wildly wealthy a very small number of Americans are, how raising their income tax would barely affect them, and why we should do it immediately.
Looking to provide live captions for the 11ty Conferenceโdo we have any reliable folks to recommend?
What happened to you Tim, you used to be cool
@gintoxicating rather than tying identities 1:1 to a feed (๐ฟ), ideally we'd have stable identities that can point to many feeds. If I want to start posting about power tools but my audience is here for my mosstodon content, it'd be nice to be able to expose that as a new feed *alongside* the existing one but also make it discoverable using my existing known identity. We have all the standards we need to do this, but implementations (stares in mastodon) are pretty dumb about it.
It's the third time that I scroll through guitar stuff on Youtube and in the recommended videos is a thumbnail of someone with hundreds of ticks sitting on their arm, leg or neck. I never clicked on one of those videos or even something slightly related. What kind of shit is going on with the Youtube algo? Is disgust now the new way to create reach? Have you seen shit like that?
@aaronpk Nice. ๐
Can I get a link to the wallpaper, if you don't mind?
@aaronpk It's not easy. I know the best I ever could do back in 2006 was screwing around with SketchUp! where I could get a "design", layout and have it match the dimension and scale of the actual physical addition. It's hard.
@aaronpk For Unreal/Blender there is a nice tutorial on how to get that 'archviz' look, but it doesn't exactly start on square one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2e6qQaIdRA
@aaronpk I'm good with compartmentalizing 5/2 split. Less Efficiency, its part of being human. But I also work from work 4 out of the 5. No advantage to sticking around after everyone leaves for the day.
The 0/0 I've been enjoying this past decade has proved optimal. Only problem is I'm geezerly AF.
Thanks to capjamesg and Jeremy Cherfas in the IndieWeb chat for the nudge to post something on Leap Day because - have I ever made a Leap Day post?