@aaronpk We have three and it’s just right, though the size of the property and placement of gardens will matter. Wherever you put them, make sure you can readily access shutoff valves, which you want even for frost-free faucets.
@aaronpk @hawaiiboy @circustiger @tracydurnell These are the best hoses I’ve ever had.
@aaronpk sweet. Another suggestion that we are super very happy with: put outlets in corners high up inside the house for Sonos everywhere :)
@aaronpk at least 2 in polar opposite locations! Depending on the footprint of your build, you may want one per compass point.
Pro-hack: I had friends run both hot and cold water to their garage interior. LOTS of interesting possibilities with that one! Utility sink, bike/car washing, etc.
@aaronpk we built a house 3 years ago. I wished I had placed more outdoor faucets and more outdoor outlets. Also, if you are doing new construction, plan ahead for power for mounted spot lights and/or cameras around the outside of the house.
@aaronpk Hadn't previously thought about this but this comes to my mind!
Enough locations where you can reach most areas around the house with a 25ft or 50ft (depending on which you want to wrangle) hose.
@aaronpk In your defense you are most authoritative on the many subjects upon which you expound. I'm thinking back to the episode on ContentID fer' instance. 😄