@aaronpk since putting on Schwalbe Marathon I had not a single puncture, I can highly recommend those
@aaronpk When I get back-to-back flats like what you reported, I spend like, 15 minutes thoroughly inspecting the tire for embedded metal/glass/thorns. Sometimes they can hide incredibly well and don’t poke their pokey bits out until the tire is inflated. So, lots of flexing and feeling around the inside of the tire.
@aaronpk I worked at bike shops for a dozen years and rarely ever got flats. I got a better paying job in tech and my flats-in-a-year rate has gone up, no joke, at least 5x. I’ve angered the bike gods.
@aaronpk Tell me more about P3k!
On my YouTube channel tonight I’ll be discussing some ways I’ve implemented #indieweb practices into my work. I’ll also look at some things I’d like to do in the future.
Would love to get some feedback from the experts ! Video goes live at 6:45 pm and will also be linked here when it goes live.