@aaronpk, thank you. Any article on how you did it?
@aaronpk , is this a "real" Mastodon instance just for you or a custom implementation?
@aaronpk I’m swing it on the Micro.blog timeline, if that’s any help.
@aaronpk That sounds bad :( If a site implements the spec version of ActivityPub, what are its chances of being feasibly well integrated into the Mastodon part of the Fediverse?
I've started reading up on #ActivityPub. So far I had been assuming that the "@user@host" scheme was baked into the protocol, but apparently it isn't, and it's perfectly capable of integrating user-less domains into the Fediverse.
Have I misread it? (I admit I only did surface level reading so far.)
If I haven't, wouldn't this mean that instances could (theoretically) also just act as hosting providers for #IndieWeb style domain-as-identity accounts?
@aaronpk I don't think Mastodon is going to ban you for posting to Mastodon. (Are you auto-copying tweets? I gave up doing that, the social contexts are too different.)
@josephramoney @JxckS We should start an ElonJet Television channel. 24/7 live tracking of Elon's Jet!
Lately my job seems to be about making sure Mastodon doesn’t turn into a denial-of-service attack on my servers. 🙂 Sorry for the flakiness today, partially caused by how we were handling a flood of messages from Mastodon.technology’s impeding shutdown. Fixed the issue.
@aaronpk cool. I’ve been making hot sauce for a couple of years now, but it’s been almost exclusively lacto-fermented. I’ll have to give something like this a try.