@aaronpk Sounds like I should be able to try on the PI just curious,. I use the Trails app to record walks at the moment and play with leaflet.js to display with photos. So I'f be interested in varying the rate of recording. Most of my weekday would be very boring. Home->Work->Home
@aaronpk This looks like good fun. Can compas be installed by none dev types on share hosting? or a Raspberry pi?
@aaronpk This looks like good fun. Can compas be installed by none dev types on share hosting? or a Raspberry pi?
Anyone know of good open source time tracking software? Preferably web server + app. I’m using Toggl at the moment, but would love to self host and am amazed that the only projects I can find are very old and rather clunky looking.
@aaronpk You've been tracking your location for yrs. Have you written anything about whether this info can remain private, and how does Google, or anyone, make money off your own location tracking? Is Big Brother watching & should we care?