@aaronpk Apple does not fuck around when it comes to understanding their users.
“But AI is cheap!”
It’s not, it has horrendous hardware, server housing and water and power requirements; it’s just that VCs are financing it now so you get in on the hype and later they will charge you rent and it will cost you way more—with inferior results—than, you know, hiring the writers and artists it’s stealing from, but those will be gone by then.
@aaronpk Interesting idea. I tend to ebb and flow as to whether I do any "work" on weekends, or at least the depth of work. Example: probably working tomorrow, probably snowshoeing Monday. But 10/4 is definitely food for thought.
New DVR / Gateway Rules Announced for ATSC 3.0
If there was ever a moment when the obvious, catastrophic, imminent risk of trusting Big Tech intermediaries to sit between you and your customers or audience, it was now. This is *not* the moment to be "social first." This is the moment for POSSE (Post Own Site, Share Everywhere), a strategy that sees social media as a strategy for bringing readers to channels that *you* control: