It's already been a year since IndieAuth was published as a W3C Note! A lot has happened in that time! There's been several new plugins and services launch support for IndieAuth, and it's even made appearances at several events around the world!

- added native support for IndieAuth, so your hosted account is now also an IndieAuth provider
- Dobrado launched native support for IndieAuth
- The IndieAuth Plugin for Drupal launched in the beginning of the year, and has had several releases since then
- The IndieAuth Plugin for Grav adds support to your Grav site by delegating to
- The IndieAuth Plugin for WordPress had a major rewrite and supports IndieAuth natively now
I presented IndieAuth at the W3C Workshop on Strong Authentication & Identity in December, and even published a video of the talk afterwards!

At API Days Global, presented a session including IndieAuth.
Josh Hawxwell gave a talk at NottsJS called Indie What? where he covered several IndieWeb building blocks including IndieAuth.

In July, I wrote a blog post called OAuth for the Open Web, where I detailed the technical solutions IndieAuth provides on top of OAuth to enable it to work in a more open and less corporate environment.
In October, I published Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth on the Mozilla Hacks Blog.
So here's to a productive year for IndieAuth in 2018! Looking forward to seeing what new developments come up in 2019!
@aaronpk Thanks for the summary. I am working on an implementation for IndieAuth as well.