taxi |
1 hr 47 min
55.5 miles
taxi |
@aaronpk Heh. As we used to say at the MMORPG company I used to work at: if it's on the client, assume it's compromised.
@aaronpk also, your blog post doesn't immediately address the pinning case—lots of mobile apps pin their certificates now (which, again, is only as secure as far as the computing platform is .....)
@aaronpk I agree, but there's a whole section on "HTTPS requests can be intercepted from mobile apps" that most developers will just ignore because they believe they Figured It Out
Tomorrow I go to San Francisco for a few days. Then home for a week. Then back to San Francisco for a week
@aaronpk Oh awesome, I will almost certainly be there.
I would, uh, RSVP except.... um maybe my goal for the event will be to figure out how to RSVP to events
"Its global empire also includes Amazon Web Services (AWS), the vast server network that provides the backbone for much of the internet, as well as, the broadcasting behemoth that is the backbone of the online gaming industry, and Whole Foods, the organic backbone of the yuppie diet. "