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QuartzDB explicitly stores everything in UTC, in order to have control over the date-based sharding and retrieval. If you're reading the files directly you'll need to account for this. The API it provides will take timezones into account, so for example you can use the query method and pass in a local timestamp that includes a timezone offset and you'll get back the right results. I strongly recommend not reading the storage files directly and instead using the API that QuartzDB provides.
I'm confused about the exact problem you're having.
If Compass' composer.lock
is referencing 0.1.1, try running composer update p3k/quartz-db
to get it to update that version, or change your composer.json
to reference >=1.1.4
It sounds like that's the root of the problem, as that fix was in version 1.1.3.
Really excited that Indigenous has received 74 downloads 😲 Wow. I’m sure to some, that doesn’t seem like a lot, but it does seem like a lot to me! Still working on the next updates.