Remember the old 80x15 badges we used to put on our websites? I just updated our IndieWebCamp badge with the new logo! You can use this on your own site by copying the HTML below! Feel free to download the image and host it yourself too.
<a href=""> <img src="" width="80" height="15" alt="IndieWebCamp" style="image-rendering:pixelated;"> </a>

Why not add a Webmention badge once you add webmentions to your site!

Maybe you're also looking for a Microformats badge? I made one of those as well!

Need some more badges for your site? There's a good collection of W3C badges over here.

How about some Creative Commons badges?

Remember to add style="image-rendering:pixelated;"
to the img
tag so that when the badge is viewed on high-resolution displays, it will retain the pixelated look instead of make it blurry when it scales up!
@aaronpk 😍 🤩 so so so good! Excited to add this to my website tonight