My #newwwyear goal this year was to make my likes and reposts automatically POSSE to Twitter when I favorite a Tweet URL.
Previously, Quill handled doing that for me when I use its browser bookmarklet. If you connect your Twitter account with Quill, then if you favorite a tweet URL, it will go and favorite the tweet on Twitter for you. This works great if you only ever use Quill to favorite stuff. Now that I've been using Eddie's Indigenous iOS app, I had lost the ability to actually favorite stuff on Twitter if I posted it to my site.
My goal was to make my Micropub endpoint understand how to POSSE likes to Twitter so that no matter which client I used to favorite things, I'll end up favoriting the twitter copy too.
Thanks to taking care of dealing with the Twitter API, it didn't end up being that much work to actually make this happen. So now, when my Micropub endpoint receives a request to create a like-of where the URL is a tweet URL, it tells to also syndicate that post to Twitter.
So now when I encounter a tweet on iOS, I can use the "share" button to favorite it on my site which then also favorites it on Twitter!
So I was pretty excited about that, but then quickly realized I needed to go an extra step with it! Stretch goal! What happens when I favorite someone's indie post? It's great that it favorites it directly, but if they've also syndicated their post to Twitter, I should also syndicate my like to Twitter! Thankfully this was also not a huge amount of work, thanks to a lot of infrastructure already in place in my site.
When I create a like, my site already expands the contents of the liked post and stores it internally, as well as rendering the content I favorited. I like the way this ends up looking since it makes my favorites page look more like the equivalent page on Twitter.
Since my site is already pulling in the content of the post I like, that already includes any syndication URLs reported by that post. That means I already know the syndicated tweet URL that I need to favorite on Twitter!
Adding support for this was a matter of finding the Twitter syndication URL of the post I've favorited, and then telling to favorite that on Twitter as well.