I think this is the first time in the 100days project that I've worked on a project that is not my own! Today I added support for JSON requests to Known's Micropub endpoint. I also added support for JSON checkins that OwnYourSwarm sends.

I tried writing as little code as I could, and changing as little as possible about how it worked, so essentially I am just extracting the properties it knows about from the JSON request to the variables the plugin expects to find. This does mean that a few Micropub JSON features are still not supported, such as sending HTML content (Known seems to strip HTML tags from all content sent to it), and Known doesn't provide a mechanism for storing arbitrary nested JSON objects. However, I was able to get it to pass tests 200, 201 and 203 from the micropub.rocks test suite, which is enough for basic support.
It also is able to create checkins from the payload that OwnYourSwarm sends! I also made it download the photo that is attached to a checkin, rather than hotlink the Foursquare image URL.
Since I don't have commit access to the Known repo, I sent a pull request to Known with these changes. I tested everything with a local Known installation. Hopefully benwerd or mapkyca can merge the PR soon!
Hopefully this improves people's experience using tools like OwnYourSwarm and OwnYourGram with Known!