This evening, Tantek pointed out to me that while he was logging in to the wiki via for the first time on a new computer, there was something a little strange about the flow...

Here's the screenshot of what he saw:

I definitely agree this is somewhat disconcerting. So here's what I did to fix it.
I first didn't realize that if you don't upload an application icon to GitHub when you create an application, it will use the profile photo of the user who created the application for the OAuth screen. I guess I should have remembered this, since I included a screenshot of GitHub's OAuth screen in the User Interface chapter of my OAuth book.
I first assumed that I would have to transfer the ownership the application to an organization that has the logo I wanted to appear. I did that, and encountered a strange message on GitHub when I moved the application from my aaronpk account to the new IndieAuth organization.

I have absolutely no idea what this message is trying to tell me. I reported my confusion to a friend who works at GitHub, so we'll see if they fix that soon.
Afterwards, I then realized I didn't in fact need to transfer the ownership of the application, and could just upload an application icon instead. Much easier!
So I uploaded a logo to GitHub, and also changed the name of the application from "IndieAuth" to "". This is part of my long-standing regret of naming this service IndieAuth, since it's also now a protocol that anyone can implement and is not actually tied to me running this service. I wish I could change the name of this service, but too many people are referencing in their code now, especially since it's one of the few remaining OpenID providers left.

I tried adding a description of the application, hoping that it would appear on the GitHub OAuth screen, but sadly it did not! (I also reported that to GitHub, so I'll find out soon if it's a bug or if I'm misunderstanding their help text.)
After all that, the end result is that now when you sign in to something using with your GitHub account for the first time, you no longer see my face!

Hopefully this is much less shocking for people who are using this! I'm not a huge fan of the logo, although I do like the "clever" shape of the "A" with the negative space forming the "i". Maybe I just need to drop the outline. Perhaps that will be a future #100days project!