Today I added the h-review vocabulary to XRay. This means you may now see objects of "type: review" show up when using XRay.

This was going to be a straightforward addition, but I realized that it would have involved duplicating a lot of code in the parsing logic. So I ended up doing quite a bit of refactoring to consolidate the logic of extracting properties from the mf2 objects. This also means it's now a lot easier to add new vocabularies as well! In fact, while adding h-review, I had to also add h-product, in order for the reviewed item to show up correctly.
The only remaining issue with this is that the PHP mf2 parser has some issues with backcompat parsing for Microformats 1's hReview, so those end up looking messy right now. Once that's fixed in the parser, XRay will work with hReview as well!