Inspired by the "100 Day Project", I'm setting out on a goal to accomplish 100 days of visible improvements to my IndieWeb projects. The challenge is to ship something visible and post about it for 100 days. Some of the improvements may be super tiny, some of them might be big.
The only requirements are that it is an improvement to something I use myself, and it must also have a publicly visible result. This means an improvement to a closed source tool that only I use doesn't count, but if it's an improvement to something like Quill, which others can use, then that counts.
The other part of the challenge is to make a post illustrating each improvement with a screenshot or short video. I am posting them with the "#100DaysOfIndieWeb" tag on my website so they all appear there!
If you're interested in joining the challenge, it's never too late to start! Read more on the IndieWeb wiki, and add yourself there!
Aaron Parecki:
I’m super swamped else I’d join Aaron in this. Perhaps in the spring. He’s already a few days into this. I’ll be following along on his blog.