Earlier this year when I launched XRay, I connected Loqi the IRC bot to it so that we would get inline IRC text previews when people linked to web pages in IRC. XRay works by finding an h-entry on the page, and getting the content and author information from it. Here's what it normally looks like in IRC.

Loqi fetches the URL and finds the h-entry, and posts a summary of it in IRC. This works great most of the time. However, when people started posting URLs to things with fragment IDs (such as the chat log permalinks themselves), then Loqi would report the name of the page rather than the summary of whatever was inside the fragment ID.
Today I updated XRay (issue #15) to handle URLs with fragment IDs. If the URL has a fragment, then it looks for an HTML element with that ID and hands off that subtree to the Microformats parser instead of parsing the whole page.
Now the Loqi summaries work for URLs with fragments!

Since this is now part of XRay, that means it's also active for anything else that uses XRay! This includes when webmention.io parses comments, when Quill expands reply contexts, and more!