This is now basically obsolete thanks to PHP 5.3's closures
I've used PHP's array_filter() in the past to filter elements from an array, but occasionally I find that I need to pass an additional value to the function in order to determine whether to keep the element. This just came up in a case where I was using GET variables to filter search results on a large array.
I have a large 2D array of books where each record has some information such as title, author, publisher, ISBN, etc. I include search boxes for each column when I draw the table to the screen, so the user can search a specific column for some text.
$data = array(
0 => array('Title' => "Career and Life Planning", 'Author' => "Michel Ozzi", 'ISBN' => "978-0-07-284262-3"),
1 => array('Title' => "Beginning Algebra", 'Author' => "Blitzer", 'ISBN' => "978-0-555-03971-7"),
2 => array('Title' => "Primary Flight Briefing", 'Author' => "Federal Aviation", 'ISBN' => "978-1-5602755-7-2")
foreach( $_GET as $k=>$v )
$data = array_filter($data, create_function('$data', 'return ( stripos($data["'.$k.'"], "'.$v.'") !== false );'));
Notice the values of $k
and $v
are actually written into the PHP code, whereas $data
is written to the function as a variable name. If you were to echo the body of the function, it would actually look something like this:
return ( stripos($data["ISBN"], "555") !== false );
In each iteration of the loop the function is re-created, and the key/value pair are essentially hard-coded into the function instead of being variables.
So there you go! A real-live use for anonymous functions in PHP!