First, I downloaded the Majordomo source code from here. Following the instructions in the included INSTALL file, I was able to get Majordomo installed relatively quickly. I ran into problems when I started trying to actually send email to the new list. The first problem I ran into was that sendmail wasn't started, but that was just silly.
The first real problem was something they actually mentioned in the FAQ. I sent a message to the list, and got a response back:
550 5.2.4 :include:/usr/local/majordomo/lists/asuoweb... Cannot open /usr/local/majordomo/lists/asuoweb: Group writable file
This error is mentioned in the FAQ page here. I added the line into the sendmail configuration file, but that didn't fix the problem. I did the other thing they mentioned which was removing group write permissions on the lists folder and all its contents. That should have fixed it, but it didn't. I figured it had something to do with the group that owned the files. I originally set up majordomo to use the 'majordomo' user and group, so the files were owned by the 'majordomo' group. I changed all the files to be owned by 'daemon,' and that seems to have fixed the problem. Although, I did a poor job of narrowing down the problem, so I'm not sure which of the steps I tried actually was necessary. For example, I don't think adding DontBlameSendmail=groupwritabledirpathsafe
to the configuration was necessary, since now there is no group write bit set.
Now I have a mailing list server running on the Honors College server. I have yet to try to install Majordomo on my VPS which is running Postfix.