@aaronpk Same goes for boxes unopened since the last move.
@aaronpk Same goes for boxes unopened since the last move.
@aaronpk upper right looks like Ghibli and lower left Pixar. Not sure about the others. Good luck.
@aaronpk Networking cables I assume. I love that I'm not the only one still installing wires for networks.
@aaronpk Is it an electric bike? Do you do live switching? If so, with what?
@aaronpk Great Success! More stuff you don't have to pack and move into the ADU ‼️
@aaronpk I misread it as an episode of House Flies 🏠🪰
@aaronpk While not much is less appealing than an IOT microwave, _maybe_ one would solve my gripes? Or possibly just create new ones.
@aaronpk Same! I have had to break out a USB B cable to do network reconfigure a couple times. But Brother seem to actually respect their customers.
@aaronpk I still love my Brother laser printer.
@aaronpk for printers, I always leave set to DHCP and then assign a static IP from the router.
That way. When it inevitably breaks, there's less to touch in the printer settings (and it's more likely to come back online)
@aaronpk I can’t decide who I dislike more. The Product Managers in charge of printers, or microwave ovens.
@aaronpk I tried using a raspberry pi zero to connect our old printer to the lan. Though it worked, the CUPS drivers were rough, the margins were never right, and it was just miserable. I’ve since been using an old 2007 macbook in clamshell mode with the wan disabled to print share the printer to the network. Other than when ink needs replacing, it’s working surprisingly well.
@aaronpk Lol, I’m trying to talk my partner into it. It doesn’t help that Prusa makes two of the picks on https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-home-3d-printer/, and we have a friend who just moved down there.
@aaronpk Just confirming: OR, not ME, right?
One is a slightly longer train ride from Skagit, WA than the other.
@aaronpk Just confirming: OR, not ME, right?
One is a slightly longer train ride from Skagit, WA than the other.