Ok #Remarkable users, this is an AMAZING upgrade! It’s a custom generated PDF for your eink device that turns it into a HYPERLINKED planner! Almost a full app inside a single 600+ page PDF! I’m kicking myself I didn’t think of it http://tiktok.com/t/ZTRqkabBs/ -> http://hyperpaper.me
@aaronpk If you're a Mac user this is where Keyboard Maestro really earns its keep. Set up the steps then assign a trigger — could be a keystroke, or click a button, for example. I have all kinds of things set up in KM that work like that.
@aaronpk can’t you automate keynote with Shortcuts?
@aaronpk Keynote as a vector drawing tool is vastly under-rated
@aaronpk One of the versions of this inside Twitter for a while was named “voices”, which I always liked the feel of. Being able to follow either an entire account or specific channels has some interesting utility, for sure.
One interesting thing to explore with having my own domain on here is being able to separate create utility accounts strongly associated with my name. @blog, as a very simple initial example.
@aaronpk since putting on Schwalbe Marathon I had not a single puncture, I can highly recommend those
@aaronpk When I get back-to-back flats like what you reported, I spend like, 15 minutes thoroughly inspecting the tire for embedded metal/glass/thorns. Sometimes they can hide incredibly well and don’t poke their pokey bits out until the tire is inflated. So, lots of flexing and feeling around the inside of the tire.
@aaronpk I worked at bike shops for a dozen years and rarely ever got flats. I got a better paying job in tech and my flats-in-a-year rate has gone up, no joke, at least 5x. I’ve angered the bike gods.