Flash? What’s that? 😉
I’ve never tried converting to a video format, but let me give it a swing later…
Working out the glitches of my monthly updates newsletter for May, so I can send out the first copy. Hopefully it’ll all be ready in the next day or two. First step in leaving Facebook, having an alternative.
@aaronpk Yes! It can post to Micropub or WordPress. It uses whatever blog you already have configured in the macOS app.
@EddieHinkle I want to try Indigenous, but I’ve never managed to get it to log in. It used to say it couldn’t find any suitable rel=“me”
endpoints, but I tried it again just now and I get this:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Redirect not on same host as client"}
@aaronpk I'm going to have to watch for these in the future. I didn't see this one until three minutes ago!
@aaronpk Going into my settings it looks like it's already set to use Local Endpoints. Maybe that's the issue?
Not sure what could've change to cause this issue.
@aaronpk I've been experimenting with that for the Micro.blog for Mac app. We'll see how it goes. Seems like a better fit than web upload because of the file sizes.
For anyone who downloaded their Instagram archive, how big was the .zip file? Mine was 30 MB, but I stopped posting last year and only had a few videos. Wondering if the average size is too big for anything except as a backup.
→ 2018/05/02 9:45 am