@aaronpk Lol, I’m trying to talk my partner into it. It doesn’t help that Prusa makes two of the picks on https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-home-3d-printer/, and we have a friend who just moved down there.
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@aaronpk Lol, I’m trying to talk my partner into it. It doesn’t help that Prusa makes two of the picks on https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-home-3d-printer/, and we have a friend who just moved down there.
@aaronpk Sorry, it’s outside my mad money budget, and I can’t justify it for education for a few more years.
Have you posted a notice at the local maker spaces? We’ve got a shared slack for Bellingham and Skagit I could notify.