taxi |
36 min
car |
11 min
30.1 miles
taxi |
6.2 miles
car | is a great resource for this, and is a handy link to share others when they're not able to find the right term 👍🏽
@aaronpk My theory: saying “this is x” on the phone, is a way to link the voice speaking to the name/person. “This voice you hear is x”. In person, they see your face talking, so saying “I’m x” is linking your face to your name more than your voice to your name, so expanding the phone phrase in person to “this face is x” is why it sounds weird.
I think it possible is non-visibility of anything physical. So on a phone call, it is as if the phone is acting as an intermediary and introducing a third party, that is you.
I believe “this is Amit” will sound equally absurd on a video call? Because my visibility makes me the first party?