How to make mail suck less
1️⃣ Open all mail immediately while near the 🗑
2️⃣ Sort into
♻️ Recycle
✂️ Shred
💻 Process
📁 File
3️⃣ ♻️✂️📁 Do immediately
4️⃣ 💻 Process are bills, ballots, invitations, court things, etc. I put all these into a folder; a Paper Inbox.
1️⃣ Open all mail immediately while near the 🗑
2️⃣ Sort into
♻️ Recycle
✂️ Shred
💻 Process
📁 File
3️⃣ ♻️✂️📁 Do immediately
4️⃣ 💻 Process are bills, ballots, invitations, court things, etc. I put all these into a folder; a Paper Inbox.