taxi |
1 hr 6 min
27.3 miles
taxi |
News Explorer has thoroughly convinced me that RSS reader sync can — maybe should — be done client-side using storage you're already paying for, but everybody's building clients for dedicated, costly RSS services.
My first business cards were made to be ephemeral. If the person didn't write down my info after three months, its ink would fade forever. I had to use some unusual materials to make them and part of their ephemeral nature came from the fact I was a broke student that couldn't have them printed properly.
Looking forward to the Apple event tomorrow. No predictions, but @danielpunkass and I will record a new Core Intuition right after the event. Mention “iPhone X” (or XS or XC!) in a blog post tomorrow to unlock the special event pin.
Looking forward to the Apple event tomorrow. No predictions, but @danielpunkass and I will record a new Core Intuition right after the event. Mention “iPhone X” (or XS or XC!) in a blog post tomorrow to unlock the special event pin.