walk |
3 hr 2 min
taxi |
33 min
6.5 miles
taxi |
1.4 miles
walk |
For anyone who downloaded their Instagram archive, how big was the .zip file? Mine was 30 MB, but I stopped posting last year and only had a few videos. Wondering if the average size is too big for anything except as a backup.
→ 2018/05/02 9:45 am@aaronpk I've been experimenting with that for the Micro.blog for Mac app. We'll see how it goes. Seems like a better fit than web upload because of the file sizes.
from a strictly legal GDRP compliance perspective, we (including a lawyer) still tentatively concluded that Bridgy may be exempt from much or all of the GDPR because it’s non-commercial, it only handles fully public data, and that data is generally only sent to personal web sites. details..
the ethics, of course, are an entirely separate question. i myself haven’t addressed them at all yet, but you have thoughtfully and deeply here. thank you for your perspective!
@aaronpk Going into my settings it looks like it's already set to use Local Endpoints. Maybe that's the issue?
Not sure what could've change to cause this issue.
@aaronpk I'm going to have to watch for these in the future. I didn't see this one until three minutes ago!
@aaronpk I'm going to have to watch for these in the future. I didn't see this one until three minutes ago!