It's a little buried, but the API for drawing a line on the map in Atlas is documented here:
Before I create that URL, I first simplify the GPS points from the trip into a minimal line using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Right now that code lives in p3k and is used to generate a simpler version of the line before passing it off to Atlas. Do you think it would be useful to have an Atlas API that runs that algorithm?
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thanks for the pointer!
i managed to extract the coordinates out of the 2.5 MB geojson trip file, that got micropubed to my site. that’s still around 500 KB of coordinates. i think simplifying those coordinates myself would be a little tough for my spatial and algorithmic skills. i’d be happy if compass micropubed not only the coordinates, but also a map image, with predefined dimensions. while it’s nice to get all the data pumped over to my site, i’d be happy with just an image of the trip and the trip characteristics like distance, start and end point.
just getting the trip characteristics and a map image after finishing a trip would probably be sufficient for most users that have weak calculating skills like myself.